constance l burch
4/24/2019 08:36:23 pm
I enjoyed several articles in this issue. The students writing was interesting, the parent reading, teaching article was thoughtful.
Dr Walter
4/24/2019 10:05:44 pm
I appreciate the feedback. I'll make sure our writers see your comment.
Stephany Sanchez
4/26/2019 10:10:19 am
I enjoyed reading the board replies. It is nice to openly discuss religion. Religion is something that is often controversial but it shouldn't have to be. I pesonally grew up in a home where religion was not as important, but we would attend mass at least once year. No matter what one's faith is one should always strive to become a better person.
Dr Walter
4/26/2019 12:23:39 pm
Every conversation is an opportunity to share ideas and find common humanity, even one about religious diversity. When organized religions take the place of individual beliefs, we divide ourselves, but faith is a human capacity which unites us.
Ryan Smith
4/26/2019 11:27:30 am
I really enjoyed reading about the reinforcing reading development. It relates to me because I use to like going to library and reading when I was little.
Dr Walter
4/26/2019 12:26:17 pm
Excellent teachers and learners often have happy childhood memories of libraries. I hope you will share library visits with all the children in your life too.
Emily Mott
4/27/2019 08:41:39 pm
I also enjoyed how openly religion was discussed. I personally come from a very religious family and value religion a lot. I think it’s great how society is changing and adapting. Thank you for writing another great newsletter and sharing it with us!
Dr Walter
4/28/2019 01:32:55 pm
Emily, faith is a deeply personal conversation. I am often amazed at how many deeply personal conversations students need to share. It takes a lot of honesty as well as insight to be a good English teacher.
4/29/2019 01:01:24 am
Once again an amazingly put together article. I am proud of how openly religion was talked about, you do not get that a lot these days. It is not talked about in public very often between individuals because of the fear of being judged. This is how it should be, very nice!
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 09:48:25 am
I'm glad you enjoyed the board's comments in response to the writing prompt. ACTELA's board is always supportive of the newsletter.
DeNashia Correll
4/29/2019 09:58:37 am
The writings were interesting in this article. I also like how they openly discuss religion.
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:14:22 pm
Because English is the study of everything, ELA teachers must be ready to discuss almost anything!
Colton Gill
4/29/2019 10:34:30 am
I enjoyed to article on your trip to LSUS very much! I grew up in Shreveport and it is great to hear all the good things going on there with them bringing bright, new scholars!
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:15:23 pm
I hope this event marks the beginning of a rich and productive relationship between Arkansas and LSUS.
Isabella Hopson
4/29/2019 10:39:37 am
I enjoyed reading the Global Perspective to see how students in other countries study and the different things they learn about in their classes. I enjoy hearing about how their experiences are much different than ours.
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:25:48 pm
You're right. The experiences of that student are different from those of ours, but we also have much in common. I'm grateful for all the people who write Global Perspectives to help us put those differences and commonalities in context.
Hannah Taylor
4/29/2019 10:40:03 am
I really enjoyed the article on growing writers. It was great to hear how a teacher encourages students to write. I also enjoyed the part of thinking of essays and papers as more than just a grade. It can be easy to get caught up in only focusing on the grade but when just focusing on the topic and the writing it does make writing very enjoyable!
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:28:49 pm
I've had several off line compliments about this article as well. It is good to remember that grades are a reflection of a teacher's success too--not just the students'.
Luis Mondragon
4/29/2019 10:41:42 am
The global perspective really caught my attention. I believe in everyone furthering their education. Every gender and every race has the right to receive a higher education but sometimes their race affects their journey. Race can make life easier but it can also make it the toughest.
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:30:06 pm
Race, religion--we've taken on some challenging topics in this issue! Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Paul Williams
4/29/2019 10:48:51 am
The Shreveport report was very good. It was very detailed and it seemed as if you guys had a great time. Seemed as if you guys learned a lot of different research topics at the Shreveport report. Great job on this newsletter it was great!
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:31:53 pm
I agree. I like the interdisciplinary nature of that event. It helps to remind me that the things I teach in English are relevant throughout a student's education.
Tyneshia Kilgore
4/29/2019 11:11:48 am
Reinforcing Reading Development
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:34:15 pm
I trust all birth to PK teachers in Arkansas agree with you! That is when our literacy skills begin.
4/29/2019 11:24:57 am
I enjoyed the article by Ashley about teaching children about reading and how they learn and how to teach them.
Dr Walter
4/29/2019 12:37:35 pm
I love that this article presents an image of a teacher's learning. We are so often called upon to be the experts that we sometimes forget our responsibility to be lifelong learners too. Ashley's frank depiction of herself learning while she is teaching is inspirational.
Tara Rowe
5/11/2019 03:13:08 pm
I love the new global map. Hello to readers all over the country and world!
Dr Walter
5/12/2019 09:45:04 am
Hello, Tara Rowe! I'm glad to find you are still reading and enjoying the newsletter. I look forward to publishing a contribution from you soon.
9/5/2022 01:05:17 pm
Really informative article, I had the opportunity to learn a lot, thank you.
9/11/2022 06:11:20 pm
Really informative article, I had the opportunity to learn a lot, thank you.
9/12/2022 04:05:40 am
Really informative article, I had the opportunity to learn a lot, thank you.
9/14/2022 07:27:27 pm
Really informative article, I had the opportunity to learn a lot, thank you.
10/4/2022 03:55:34 pm
I think this post is useful for people. It has been very useful for me. Looking forward to the next one, thank you.
10/5/2022 03:28:38 pm
It was a post that I found very successful. Good luck to you.
10/6/2022 08:09:43 am
I support your continuation of your posts. I will be happy as new posts come. Thank you.
10/7/2022 03:34:07 am
I think the content is at a successful level. It adds enough information. Thank you.
10/8/2022 12:28:48 pm
Thoughtful and real content is shared. Thank you for these shares.
11/23/2022 12:41:03 pm
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