Braden Taylor
3/11/2019 01:24:01 pm
Outstanding job again! Wonderful to hear stories from other scholars about their conferences. The adventure they took really did stick with them forever!
Dr Walter
3/11/2019 02:32:25 pm
Thanks, Braden! I look forward to seeing reports on your conference presentations in future issues.
Olajerwon Nalls
3/27/2019 09:57:37 am
Phenomenal Article, I enjoyed the few that I read, and I look forward to reading more.
Dr Walter
3/27/2019 02:20:42 pm
I'm glad you were inspired by what you read.
Jomarea Beal
3/11/2019 01:24:52 pm
Great article!
Dr Walter
3/11/2019 02:33:59 pm
I'm glad you enjoyed the issue. Which article was it that caught your attention, Jomarea?
Isabella Hopson
3/13/2019 10:48:13 am
I enjoyed reading the reports from the students that attended this conference. It seems to have been a great experience for the students and impacted their life’s greatly.
Dr Walter
3/13/2019 01:46:30 pm
One day it will be you, Isabella, who writes and shares ideas at conferences in your field. When you complete your training as a nurse, you will have important experiences which will benefit others. Never forget what it feels like to be a student learning for the first time.
Luis Mondragon
3/13/2019 10:50:43 am
It is great to see scholars from UAM represent our school in such important conferences. I cannot imagine the experience Katie and the other scholars had from this task. Hard work leads to any goals, but they never imagined they would open the door to other undergraduates after their outstanding work at the conference.
Dr Walter
3/13/2019 02:30:05 pm
You too will open doors for other students someday soon, Luis. The service learning projects you do already are making a difference in your community.
Colton Gill
3/13/2019 10:51:52 am
Very well written newsletter! I really enjoyed hearing the stories of your students conveying what they learn in class to others for the betterment of their community!
Dr Walter
3/13/2019 02:32:35 pm
I think experiential learning is very important, Colton. It empowers students to make positive changes in their communities and helps them understand the reasons they work to get an education.
Jaclyn V
3/13/2019 10:52:19 am
It is amazing to be able to hear from other scholars about how they can get where they need to be, and help when needed. I like how Katie for example pointed out the professors and how they influenced her either in writing or a presentation.
Dr Walter
3/13/2019 02:36:24 pm
We all have teachers we owe a debt of gratitude to, and we must all remember that the stories of how well we taught will someday be told by the students we are teaching now. It's important to help them feel successful.
Paul Williams
3/14/2019 10:39:55 am
I found it very beneficial to see uam students getting an opportunity to attend these press conferences. Especially the undergraduates students that got an opportunity to experience an great event. Seems very challenging but definitely worth the experience.
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:40:20 pm
It's never too soon to start practicing the experiences of a professional in your chosen profession.
Ryan Smith
3/14/2019 11:03:03 am
Outstanding ariticles! I really enjoyed reading some of the articles. The scholars did a wonderful job and I can’t wait to read some more!
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:41:18 pm
Thanks, Ryan! We are hoping to bring out the next issue in March, so you won't have long to wait.
Constance L. Burch
3/14/2019 03:58:33 pm
I thought the entire newsletter was well thought out and put together well. You all did a wonderful job.
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:42:25 pm
Constance, I appreciate your encouragement and your contributions. I'm glad you enjoyed this issue and look forward to your comments about the next one.
Tavion Bass
3/15/2019 01:14:09 pm
It was exciting to Read one of my teacher articles, and also very amazing. I think it very beneficial that UAM students gets to attend these press conferences. I also love the website!!
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:44:25 pm
Tavion, I'm especially glad you think our website is snappy. ACTELA is very proud of the work Tyler McBride does to keep it up to date.
3/15/2019 04:06:54 pm
Thank you for showing your students these articles. It is very helpful to hear the success of other scholars sometimes when you believe it is hard yourself. I have gathered a few tips from this that could help me to achieve success in the future for my education. Seeing how others achieved the goals they had set, and if needed received help along the way!
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:45:30 pm
Avery, you have a very bright future ahead of you. I hope you are considering teaching English for a career!
Jaeshun Bush
3/15/2019 04:21:47 pm
Great newsletter! I like how the students are able to attend press conferences. I like to hear the success of other people because even when it gets hard I can remember them and push through.
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:46:47 pm
Jaeshun, I'm glad you can tell how hard English and Language Arts teachers in Arkansas are working to help all our students be successful. Hang in there!
Anna Gilbert
3/15/2019 09:59:59 pm
Wow, I never knew so much was going on campus and in the community. I enjoy reading the newsletter and learn something new about the ACTELA and some of the things they do.
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:48:16 pm
English and Language Arts teachers in Arkansas are very active at promoting their profession and helping their students succeed. I expect you will soon be reporting on your own successes!
Hannah Taylor
3/16/2019 02:28:32 pm
I loved being able to read about the students being the first undergraduates to speak at the conference. It just shows how hard work and guidance can make a difference. Now undergraduates will be asked to speak. It was a very well written article and newsletter. Great Job!
Dr Walter
3/18/2019 06:49:30 pm
English and Language Arts teachers in Arkansas are very hard workers with interesting things to report. I'm glad you found inspiration in the newsletter articles. There's more to come in the next issue!
Lauren Roark
3/26/2019 04:51:56 pm
I really enjoyed hearing the stories of the students who attended the conference. Dr. Walter, it is clear that you have made a great impact in your
Dr Walter
3/27/2019 12:31:29 pm
I agree. Students who are passionate about learning are the best. Students who want to learn as little as they can get by with never really have an education, no matter how long they study.
Tyneshia Kilgore
3/26/2019 09:16:17 pm
“A Wake Up Call in Freshman English” explains a great activity that helped the readers of Fahrenheit 51 interpret the text from a personal perspective. I think that students of all age groups can benefit from activities like this because it shows another side of the text that you may not see while reading.
Dr Walter
3/27/2019 02:17:35 pm
Grover is always doing interesting things with his students. I'm glad he is teaching Fahrenheit 451. I think Bradbury is an underrated author.
Kristina Kinney
3/26/2019 09:49:45 pm
It's so interesting to read all of the feedback from students who attended the conference and their experiences speaking at such an event. This was a very enjoyable newsletter!
Dr Walter
3/27/2019 02:19:28 pm
Watching the best of our students grow into English and Language Arts teachers is one of the biggest rewards of our profession!
Emily Mott
3/28/2019 04:56:24 pm
Great article Dr. Walter! It’s so amazing seeing how much you have impacted these students’ lives (mine included). Thank you for sharing your blog! Looking forward to more!
Dr Walter
3/29/2019 04:10:18 pm
I'm not sure which article you were reading here, Emily, but THANKS! It's good to know that the newsletter has relevance to students too.
DeNashia Correll
3/29/2019 09:58:24 am
I really enjoyed reading these. They were very interesting and caught my attention quickly.
Dr Walter
3/29/2019 04:11:12 pm
I'm glad to know the tone of the newsletter is engaging. Thanks for the feedback!
Stephany Sanchez
3/29/2019 10:58:05 am
I really enojoyed reading this newsletter. The feedback the student gave during the conference was very interesting and honest. I have never read "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. But after reading this, I believe i might give it a try.
Dr Walter
3/29/2019 04:13:06 pm
Grover will be so excited to hear that his teaching is influencing reading habits outside his classroom!
Abbigail Camden
3/29/2019 01:38:46 pm
Great Newsletter! I enjoyed reading all the articles especially the one about the conference.
Dr Walter
3/29/2019 04:15:22 pm
Gathering at conferences is one of the most important and most enjoyable responsibilities of a professional teacher. The sooner we can begin introducing students to that truth, the stronger they will be when they are teachers.
Tara Gray
4/1/2019 10:14:45 am
I loved reading the articles and i learned alot about them. They were very interesting and i look forward to reading many more.
Dr Walter
4/1/2019 11:08:25 am
I'm glad to know you enjoyed reading the newsletter, Tara. I hope you will continue to find interesting ideas in future issues.
Kase Davis
4/22/2019 03:35:58 am
Great article! I really enjoyed hearing the notes that the students left about their parents and how they inspire them and also how they can be leaders and influence and inspire their fellow peers.
Dr Walter
4/25/2019 12:12:11 pm
Ongoing inspiration is one of the biggest challenges as well as one of the greatest rewards of being an English and Language Arts teacher. Like you, I love hearing little ones tell about their inspirations and their visions for being our future leaders.
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